Adam Carter-Egypt


  1. How do you preserve water efficiently not in the months of May to October, considering most precipitation is in those months?

    1. I am curious about that also. Should we be more cautious about how much water we are using and try to preserve more? I also noticed in your powtoon you talked about polygamy. Is it not illegal there?

    2. What is polygamy? Is it some law in the government?

    3. Polygamy is when a male/woman, have several other spouses. If you've seen that show My Five Wives, it is all about that. Polygamy is illegal in North America but I guess it isn't in other places of the world

    4. Yes Christina, i would agree with your last statement. I did research, and found that polygamy is legal in most parts of Africa, and some parts of Europe

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  3. I am wondering that too. Polygamy is illegal where we live. Maybe it is different over there?! I am not sure how that helps increase the population. I am also wondering about how people with low income have a lot of babies. Where I live it is different. To have a baby it is very expensive.

    1. I saw that the people with low income aren't afraid of a fall in their standard of living which is what happens when you have a larger number of kids. I think this means they're not afraid that their way of life will be worse when they have kids.

    2. I was also wondering about why low income families have more children. I saw in the Powtoon that their God would offer their family more food if it was larger, but are there any other reasons? In Canada, we have a monthly allowance for each child. Does your country have that? However, as Angelique said before, having a child is still costly even with a monthly benefit. Children cannot work in Canada, but can they help out with the parents occupations such as farming? That would make having many children very beneficial because you would get more work done in a lot less time.

    3. So Rachel, your saying that there are both pro's and con's to a low income family having multiple children. I would have to agree with you when you say that children could help their parents with jobs around the house, but that would still make having many children very costly. Yes there is a benefit to doing this, but out of curiosity, do parents with low income really want to have children because of this reason only?

    4. Not only can the kids help their families, but they can work outside of home and make money for their families. This makes sense to me because if they have low income at first, their children can help them have a greater income.

    5. Yes the kids could help their family get a bigger income when they're older. But how about when the kids are too young to work. The families will just have to spend more because they have to buy things for the baby.

    6. I agree with Ethan because the family will have to wait a somewhat long period of time until the children are old enough to have jobs to support the family, so they be even more poor the more kids they have.

  4. In your powtoon like I was talking about before, it states that there is a higher life expectancy in women than in men. I am curious to know why that is. It is not that much higher but I am just curious. Is there a reason for it?

    1. The reason is why for example, in the U.S. male life expectancy was 73.4 years for males and 80.1 years for females, a difference of 6.7 years, whereas in France it was 7.8 years and in the U.K., 5.3 years. The discrepancy was much greater in some countries, with the difference in Russia reaching more than 12 years, but in others, such as India (0.6 year) or Bangladesh (0.1 year), it was much less.

    2. Polygamy can help the population rise because with many wives or husbands, a family can have many, many children. If there are so many families that do this there would be a rapidly growing population rather than when families only have a few kids.

    3. So your saying that having polygamist families will help increase the population of a country? I can see where your coming from with that point. To add on to that point, why is it then that polygamy is illegal in Canada and the USA?

    4. According to Ayanda's statistics it seems that females have a longer life expectancy in developed and developing countries. Maybe it has something to do with the difference of genetics in males and females?

    5. I was wondering this as well when Dominik and I were working on our presentation on population pyramids, In almost each age group in almost each country that we looked at to compare to Canada we found that Women tend to live longer than men. I researched a little bit about the topic and discovered that the main reason behind women generally living 5-10 years longer than men is actually because it takes longer for women to develop cardiovascular disease like heart attack and stroke. I know this is the case for us in Canada but in developing countries where the death rate is higher I dont think this is applicable.

    6. I totally agree with that Nick and just a sterotype to add is the most women eat a lot healthier than most men out there, like nick said heart attack and stoke most of those are from foods we eat like Mcdonalds that has a lot of junk

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  6. In your Powtoon it is mentioned that there is a population control drive pursued by the government. What exactly is this population control drive, is it like a program of some sort? How is the government handling this population control drive? Are the people resisting it because of the way they're handling it?

  7. Are you apart of any organizations or fund raisers to help the water scarcity?

  8. In the Prezi the New York school created, they showed the population growth between a 4 year period from 2010-2014. The population growth was under a million. The population growth of Pakistan in just a 1 year period from 2013-2014 was about 3 million. What causes the growth of population in Pakistan to be so much larger than that of New York? I understand some of the factors such as polygamy, drop in death rate, and longer span of having children; however I do not understand how that creates a population increase of about 12 times that of New York.

  9. In the Prezi, I noticed how you mentioned that the U.S. population will double eventually if we don't control the growth rate. How do you think the country might do this? Perhaps higher living costs and maybe even a limited number of children per family.

    1. Perhaps the U.S will resort to things like legalizing age for marriage age to prevent having a longer span for having children. In places like the U.S i don't really think that having a lot of kids is as necessary as in places like (ex). Pakistan.

    2. The reason Pakistan finds it necessary to have a great number of children is because of their religious beliefs. In places like Canada or America nothing is hugely impacting the desire to have many kids. Raising a child is not cheap and as a country neither Canada or America is being exposed to a strong religious belief to have more children. Which is what your conversation was leading to. What I am curious about is if Pakistan is realizing the great increase in population and how it could affect the earth? Is anything going to be done on their part as well as ours?

  10. In the Powtoon, you talk about early marriages and how the ages for marriage usually range from 15-22 years old. Are things like arranged marriages also common in Pakistan? If so why? What is the direct effect of polygamy on the society? In Pakistan the population is very high and polygamy is when a man has more than one wife. It's usually done because of rebellious beliefs or fast breeding. Is there any advantage from polygamy even when the population density is very high?

    1. When you were speaking about polygamy, it made me think that you were saying if you have multiple wives/husbands you have to have children with all of them. I do not think that is completely true. Having multiple spouses could be beneficial for some families because it offers the ability for a larger income if they all are employed. However, I think it could also be a bad thing if they are unemployed because you have to support their needs with less money coming in. As you asked before, I am also wondering what the direct impacts on society are.

  11. Since a country's ability to feed itself very much depends on three factors: availability of arable land, accessible water and population pressures. They would probably try to reduce resources being used or the population.

    1. I understand how that would be a good way to decrease the population Ayanda, however many people would suffer and die as a result so as NR2015 said they would most likely attemt a more humane way to decrease the population

  12. I agree to the facts that a decrease in population would result in less use of resources, which in turn would be a positive benefit for that country. How would you be able to decrease the population in a humane way?

    1. They could add in some laws to make people reconsider having a lot of kids. For example making it more expensive to have a child.

    2. I understand what you are saying but I would like to add that a possible way to help decrease the population in one specific area would be to put a limit on how many children you can have before you have to pay more per child you have like how they do so in China this way they don't have to put anyone through suffering but they can also effectively decrease the population over time.

    3. They should add laws about how many children they could have per family so over some time it would be stable and decrease, for example if you look at Chinas population pyramid from 1900 to 2000 there is a big difference

  13. do the children have to help with the gardening? also if the population was lower there would be more resources, how can you lower the population in the correct way.

  14. So Ayanda are you saying that a country would try to decrease the amount of resources used due to a high population density? If so, I would have to wonder how they would go about doing so. If a country has a high population density, wouldn't that mean that the amount of resources being used would increase?

  15. Well I see what your saying about the resources you will need. If there are a lot like more than 100 then for sure the resources would have to increase because of the amount of people. But I am not sure what Ayanda is trying to say. To me, I refute that because it makes way more sense to increase the resources. I also saw on the prezi that in New York City a lot of people die for a lot of different reasons. I think that is a lot of people and interesting. I am wondering why that is??

  16. In the New York school and the Pakistan school, both presentations mention the death rate. The death rate of both countries is relatively the same. The New York school mentioned that heart disease, chronic diseases, etc. are the leading causes of death. Could that be the same in Pakistan? I am curious because the two countries are on different halves of the world and are differently ran and developed. Although the death rates are the same, the infant mortality rates have a huge gap. The rate in Pakistan is 10 times the rate of New York. Could this impact the overall death rate? I know from prior knowledge that Pakistan has many diseases that Canada and the United States are not exposed to. This is contributing to my curiosity because I would think that more deaths are caused by diseases in Asia (for example Malaria) rather than cancer that is well treated in the USA because they would be more contagious and harder for the immune system to defend from. Could anyone provide some understanding of this?

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    2. I was also thinking your question about if Pakistan would have the same death amount caused by diseases so i decided to look it up, and found out that, yes, Pakistan's number one death is heart diseases. in fact over 196,000 people in Pakistan die per year from heart disease but only over 20,000 people in New York die per year from heart diseases. You would also have to consider that Pakistan is its own country so it would have a higher death rate from heart diseases. So i guess you would have to compare a city in Pakistan and New york, by itself not as a country.

    3. I agree with the statement you made about how Asian colonies have more diseases exposed to themselves so it would probably affect the death rate in Asian countries, like Pakistan. I would also like to add on that in Asia they have alot more bugs that carry around diseases and even worse then the bugs we have in Canada. Even though its not heart disease its still shows that they don't have as good health care as we do, and that their deaths go up from not as good of a health care that we have.

    4. i would also like to disagree about your statement on how the U.S.A can deal with cancer because studies show that in the U.S.A in 2014 alone over 1,500,000 people have died from cancer. So if that happens alone in one year you can't say that they can cure cancer that well.

    5. Dylan, i agree with what you are saying, yes 1,500,000 people have died, but over 1,000,000 people have been helped, and ended up not dying from cancer. So in a way, the U.S.A are dealing with cancer, they just need to find a more efficient way that can help more people.

    6. I would say that it would be a challenge to compare the overall death rate in Pakistan with that of New York. This is because like Rachel said, they are both on opposite sides of the earth. Yes the death rate might be the same but the people in Pakistan and the people in New York will die for different reasons. We have a very different medical system set up then in Pakistan. We have more medications and a variety of treatments. The diseases we suffer from here are not the same in Pakistan. I think to be able to compare the two is difficult, simply because they are very different.

    7. I completely agree with your statement and point of view. I have one final question. If Pakistan did have the same medical resources as New York would the life expectancy be relatively closer? or, is there another reason that affects the life expectancy of these two places?

    8. I think having better medical care could help the average life expectancy increase in Pakistan, but there are many other issues. For example there may be other diseases or sicknesses there that we are not aware of, that may not necessarily be cured by the medical care that we have.

    9. Dylan, like how Jonathan had said You are correct that 1.5 million people had died from cancer in 2014, In 2013 1.66 million people had died. Now keep in mind that there population has also grown from 316.5 million people in 2013 to 318.9 million peole in 2014 so that shows that they are slowly solving the issue with cancer but It is going to take some time.

  17. It could be the same in Pakistan because the death rate in Pakistan and New York are very similar. About 8 deaths/1000 people. But since they are in different places across the world I don't think there are same diseases especially since, the average american consumes over 25 times more resources than the average person from a developing country for example: Pakistan. A family from a developing country would have 50 children to to have the same environmental impact as an american with two children! [As it says in the prezi]. So I would say that the countries are different with different diseases, since New York for example say they have more resources. So I would say that the deaths in Pakistan are worse than the ones in New York City. But when you said that the rate in Pakistan is ten times the rate in New York, it may impact the overall death rate indeed, but it might not because of how different the USA is from Pakistan!!

    1. [This was for Rachel's comment]

    2. I disagree they have a lot more diseases than us so do we and have different ones too, in Africa there are airborne diseases and plus we have more medicines supply's

  18. One question i had was, in your Powtoon it said that the average life expectancy for Pakistan was 62 for males, and 64 for females. In Canada, the average life expectancy is 81. Why is the life expectancy so much smaller in Pakistan?

    1. Like how Christina said in Pakistan they are not as developed as they are in Canada so they don't always reach the age where they may develop things such as heart attacks or strokes as much because they don't reach that age to do so nearly as much. I think that the main reason that people in Pakistan don't live as long as people in Canada is simply because they don't have as strong of health care and so if il they may not be able to recover as well as they would with the medicine in Canada. Also they dont have the same amount of recources for people as we do so that would make it harder for them to survive.

  19. Maybe the life expectancy is significantly lower in Pakistan because they might not have the resources or medical advantages that we have in Canada to help cure people of disease or illness. It could also be because disease could be more common there. For example in Namibia, the life expectancy is very similar to that of Pakistan where men live to about 66 years old and women live to 68 years old. This could relate to Pakistan because both countries don't have the same medical advantages as we do. This could also be due to poverty (lack of proper shelter, food, water, clothing, shoes, etc...)

  20. In both of these places women have a longer life expectancy is there a reason for that?

    1. It is a statistic throughout the whole world that women live around 5-10 years longer than men. We think this is caused by many medical reasons. One being that women are at high risk cardiovascular disease, like heart attack and stroke during their 70's through 80's while men at their 50's through 60's. Some say this is caused by estrogen but that might not be the case anymore. There are many other reasons why we think women live longer than men but the question is never surely answered. One question we can answer is why the life expectancy of both genders is different between the two places, New York and Pakistan. I believe the reason for such a low life expectancy in Pakistan is caused by the lack of medical care or great poverty as Christina was saying.

    2. I agree with your points Ria. I would also like to add that lots of times the professions on males are different than females. A lot of males have to do long and labouring jobs that can be hard on their bodies, which could be one of the factors on why females lives longer due to them most of the time doing jobs like cooking and cleaning rather tha house building, and construction. Not always, nut sometimes

    3. I disagree because women are capable of doing labour intensive jobs just like males but it is a stereotype that men do more labour intensive jobs.If men were to do things like cooking and cleaning a lot then they may still die younger than women that do labour intensive jobs because their jobs may have no relation to how long they live unless they do jobs with chemicals or other things that can harm our body, therefore shortening our life or may have no effect on us.

  21. I think it was very interesting to see how religion affects the population growth in Pakistan. (referring to the powtoon) In Canada there are many different religions and cultures so our lifestyles are not all based from one religion, unlike Pakistan. I was wondering if the people of Pakistan have any concern towards the shortages of resources caused by the great increase of population? If so, are they doing anything to prevent this situation?

  22. in the pontoon why is that people that are living with a low standard of living have more children. And doesn't the government help out with it. For example in Canada when there is a new child born the government pays that family 300$ per child.

    1. I would like to bounce off of what you said because it seems irrational to have so many kids when the people know they have such poor living conditions. Like Diego said does the government give a certain amount of money per child? If so are people abusing the power and are having many children to get money? If the government doesn't give them money are they having many kids so that when the kids grow up there is a chance some of them may find a good job the help the family get on their feet?

  23. in the new york prezi they said that 7.3million people have died in 1960 people have died why did that happen

  24. why is it that in Pakistan the age limit for getting married is 15-22 but in canada the age limit is 18+

    1. I was also wondering the same thing in that country are you a legal adult at 15? does that influence people to immigrate there to get married, or is it customary to get married at those ages

  25. Why is the population density of India so small? India is really big. If you look at Toronto they have a population density of 12,000 people per square kilometer.
